Server Rules

Written by

1. Don't hack or exploit any bugs/glitches.

2. You may only speak English in OOC, /advert and in the public. If you want to talk your language, do it in private or Discord etc.

3. Don't attempt to dodge your punishment in any way, you will get a prolonged ban if you do so.

4. Do not harass or disrespect other players. You must treat EVERYONE with Respect when out of character.

5. Do not advertise other servers. (This includes having your RP name set as the name of the server).

6. Do not impersonate Staff Members. This will only confuse the players which is unfair.

7. Changing your RP name or job title to the likes of 'Nazi, Racist slurs or religious groups' is strictly forbidden, This WILL end in a harsh punishment or a permaban.

8. Sexism/Racism/Homophobic slurs/Jokes about religion, Hitler etc are strictly forbidden, This WILL end in a harsh punishment or a permaban. (This includes saying religious words such as "Allahu Akbar" etc.)

10. If you see someone breaking the rules, contact an admin. Do not take the situation into your own hands.

11. If you see someone breaking the rules try to take screenshots or recordings to back up your claims.

12. You are not allowed to sell or trade in-game money with other players for real money.

13. You may swear in OOC but not directly at a player.

14. Admins will NOT respond to OOC or /advert calls for help. Please use admin chat to contact a staff member (@ Admin to me).

15. You may not place hits on the members of a base you are about to raid this also means you may not put hits on people raiding your base.

16. If your base is being raided while in a sit you can request to be sent back and the mod/admin must send you back but this must not be abused
for example, asking to be sent back for a raid when you are not being raided, you will be warned about this.

17. It is against the rules to AFK money farm in any situation. This includes spawning printers and leaving them all night while you sleep if this is found you will be kicked or banned.

18. If you spawn props in a building you MUST own the door.

19. You may not use racist/disrespecting words when roleplaying. (Disrespecting government or other mafia enemies in easy forms as Mafia is allowed, for example, F the police.) If you are Corleone you can do it for RP purposes only, saying F the police randomly is NOT allowed.

20. Camera spamming or flashlight spamming is not allowed.

24. We take security and stability very seriously. Never joke/talk/do about scripts, hacking, ddosing or security related stuff. If we find out or hear that you have been doing this, it will end in a harsh punishment or a permaban. Please understand this.

25. If you have a problem with our staff members you must contact higher staff (SA+) or do a staff complaint on the forums. Talking about the problem with other people such as OOC or advert, or disrespecting the staff will end in a punishment on your side as well. Please take these problems seriously.


1. Killing someone without a valid reason is considered RDM which is strictly against the rules.

2. Do NOT self-supply even if there are no Dealers on. This means abusing the Dealer jobs to supply only YOURSELF with guns etc. You MUST sell to the public from a shop and NOT from the street.

3. The only place you can weapon check people is inside of the PD, and in a Police Checkpoint, you must have a good reason to weapon check in public.

4. NLR(New Life Rule) is active for 3 minutes after death which means you can't kill the person who killed you for 3 minutes or return to where you died.

5. Government people such as: Police Officer, SWAT, and the Mayor are not ALLOWED to have money printers or drugs as they are ILLEGAL.

6. Random weapon checking/confiscating is NOT allowed.

7. You can't do Hits on an Admin on Duty as a Hitman. They are not involved in such things as ROLEPLAYING.

8. Do not FailRP.

9. You cannot have any printers on top of a roof. You also cannot base on roofs or store guns on roofs.

10. Micspamming or spamming words such as cheese, fantastic, hax, get down etc. Is not allowed and you will be kicked, muted or banned if you do not stop.

11. Random stun sticking and random arresting is not allowed. This will end in punishment.

12. You cannot spawn any shipments until you've made a shop first. This is to prevent people from Self-supplying.

13. You are allowed to play music as a hobo, although you must stand in a single location and play your music there. You can’t run around while playing music. Otherwise, it is considered mic spamming. (refer to Section 2 rule 10)

15. If your clan is raiding/mug/kidnap/counter someone, only one need to advert your group raid/mug/kidnap/counter. But you need to include the clan as well.

16. You can not mug someone that is sitting in a car.


1. Fading doors must have a keypad right beside the fading door and the keypad MUST be connected to the fading door.

2. Your keypad must last for at LEAST 4 seconds once the code is typed in. This can be configured through the keypad options. If the fading door doesn't last for 4 seconds before closing it is considered prop block. You are NOT ALLOWED fake keypads.

3. Your fading door cannot be in front of your base door. That is considered prop block! The fading doors must always be behind your doors.

4. A building sign lasts for 40 minutes so you get time to build your primary defenses. People CANNOT raid you whilst you have a building sign and you are not permitted to abuse your building sign in any way.

5. You CANT have money printers whilst you are building and ONLY money printers.

6. You can only use the building sign while you're inside your house and ACTUALLY BUILDING. Don't abuse the building sign. It is only for use when you need to build! (You may leave to buy guns only).

7. The Hitman CANNOT kill people whilst they are building.

8. Hobos cannot own any doors. They may have fading doors on their bases though.

9. Crouch/Jump entrances are not ALLOWED.

11. You MUST use your Keypad when using your Fading door. There is a reason why you must have a keypad both inside and outside! Using the hotkey on your keyboard is considered fading door abuse. (FDA)

12. You may not raid when you have a building sign on your house.

13. You are not allowed to make mazes in your base, as in having multiple dead-ends or kill boxes. The way into your base should be obvious although you are allowed to have a prop which slows down players without them needing to jump or crouch.

14. You may have shooting windows on your base but they have to be opened with a button or keypad and MUST stay open for at least 4 seconds the same as doors. They have to be at eye level.

15. You are not allowed to own an entire apartment when you're not using all of the rooms inside.

16. You may only own ONE base. And you may NOT build outside or join other bases to each other unless you make.

17. You ARE permitted to use WORLD GLOW but ONLY for windows or ways to see through your defenses. KILL BOXES ARE NOT ALLOWED.

18. You ARE permitted to use fences in your base AS LONG AS the raiders can see through/shoot through them also.

19. The only job allowed to build outside is HOBO, and the only one who can build on the road is  TRAFFIC POLICE.

20. You are not allowed to make props that can be shot through from only one side. You are not allowed to make shooting windows at feet level.

21. You are NOT allowed doubled fading doors to force keypad crack

22. No collided props to walk through then shoot at a person then walk back to safety is not allowed

23. You can have up 4 fading doors per entrance on your base (If there are 3 ways into your base you can have 4 fading doors per entrance).

24. You only need 1 raidable entrance into your base. (This means you CAN prop-block other entrances).

25. You may not use a color or material that strobe. (Dancefloor is ok)
26. One way shooting is HIGHLY against the rules ( as in having a prop you can shoot through but you can only see through is from one side)


1. Prop abusing in any shape or form is not allowed. (flying, pushing, spamming)

2. Don't prop push other players.

3. Do not prop block. You have to add a fading door and a keypad/button. Otherwise, it will be considered a prop block. (This excludes Section 3 rule 24).

4. Prop surfing and Prop climbing are not allowed.

5. You may NOT build in spawn.

6. Invisible props are NOT allowed. (This includes cameras).

7. You are not allowed to place a prop in front of someone's camera.

8. You may not block off whole districts or tunnels even as a hobo. These areas are public and should be accessible by everyone. You can only do this if you have permission from SuperAdmin+.

9. No gravity props are not allowed unless they are contained inside a building/box.


1. You MUST type /advert RAID before raiding someone. If someone is raiding a base and you wish to counter raid you MUST /advert counter-raid.

2. You have to wait 15 minutes before raiding the same person/base again. (This also applies if you die in a raid and your group are still raiding, you may not return after  3minutes NLR).

3. Mafia, Master Thief, and Thief, Mexican Cartel are the only jobs that are able to mug. You must type "/advert MUG
 drop 5k or die" whilst mugging.

4. If you got killed during a raid on your home, you CANNOT return until they call /advert raid over. This applies even if your NLR timer is gone.

5. Mafia, Mafia Leader, Drug Cartel, Thieves & Professional thief, and Customs Jobs are the only classes that can raid.

6. You can only mug players for up to $
5000. And can ask up to $15,000 for kidnap ransom.

7. Mafia, Cartel, Stalkers, Thieves and Professional thief, and Customs Jobs are the only classes that can kidnap. You must /advert kidnap and then advert a ransom message when you are back at base (example:- /advert We have the mayor kidnapped, 15k for his release!)
8. You CANNOT raid a building with a building sign. If you see an empty building with a building sign please contact an admin,

9. After the mugging, you must wait 3 minutes before mugging anyone again. [NLR]

10. After raiding you must wait 5 minutes before raiding anyone again. [NLR]

11. Only the Mafia CAN raid the PD. They must /advert PD RAID. NO OTHER JOBS CAN HELP ON THESE RAIDS. The Mafia may also break prisoners out of jail at their own risk.

12. You may base with no more than 7 other players, bringing the total to 8. And you may only raid with 7 other players also.

13. MEDICS AND THE MAYOR CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN RAIDS. The mayor may spectate from outside but not go in with the police/SWAT.

14. When adverting please only include what you're currently doing! This means you're not allowed to use a bind for every single possible advert there is! If you're raiding then /advert raid and if you're mugging then /advert mug! Don't do it like: /advert raid, mug drop 5k & kidnap.

15. You are allowed to mug someone running around with printers in public. If they drop their printer and give it to you, you are not permitted to shoot them unless they suddenly bring up their weapon/guns.

16. You are NOT allowed to mug or kidnap the police/SWAT as you fear them.
Only the mafia DON can do that

17. You CANNOT /advert counter mug. This makes no sense.

18. After carjacking, you must wait 5 min to carjack anyone else again and 10 min on the same person.

19. You may request 10k ransom max to sell the car that you carjacked.

20. You may only have 2 carjacked cars in your possession.

21. You have to advert carjack to steal a car.

22. You may hold a hostage for 10 min max.

23. You have to "/advert kidnap" in order to kidnap.

24. You MUST wait 5 min before kidnapping another person and 15 min for the same person.

25. Only the Mafia may carjack police cars. And the only mafia can resist a police weapon check
26. You may not Kidnap or Mug in public this is FAILRP